The Clearfielder Of Utah

This is about my (most of the time) boring life in Clearfield, Utah

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What to say...

I really felt like I should have posted again, but nothing has really happened that's blog worthy.
I have been doing art, and I love it. But lately, I have been having a creative block. And also I haven't been in a artsy mood. If you want to see pictures of my art, it's on Facebook.
I have been contemplating the unthinkable. I might not go to Stanley to work. Aunt Janet emailed me saying how things will be very different there, and her house will be very crowded. Like she said that they wont allow electronics. I'm a tech junkie, and I am addicted to my cell phone. I want to retain contact with the rest of the world, and my friends. I am NOT an outdoorsie person, so being up in Stanley doesn't give me a a big variety of stuff to do that I like. So I go to one of my best friends, Internet! But I may not be able to... I could do other things, but what? There's the obvious, like drawing and painting, but I really can't think of anything else that i can do. Listening to music is electronic, writing stories is electronic, and texting is electronic, those are the things I do the most. I could write everything out, but I hate doing that because I will have to type it later. I could always spend all my time at the library, but it closes early, and it's a mile and a half away. I already applied at all the jobs I could work at in my area, and they all turned me down. My teacher told me that here, most places wont hire till 17, even though 16 is legal. That's where I get all my spending money for the year is work. If I don't, then I will be bored out of my mind. Ugh, I don't know what to do...
Well that's about it... Nothing else has happen since January.... Wow, I sound so pathetic...

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