The Clearfielder Of Utah

This is about my (most of the time) boring life in Clearfield, Utah

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I am mad!

Today was just a normal day, until I got to 6th period. Now, I give every teacher a very good chance for me to like them, this teacher was one of those that pretty much everybody hates, I didn't(till now) and she was one of those people that wasn't one of my favorite people, but she was okay. OK so it was 6th period and we just finished doing a test and we supposed to pass it three people so no one has their test and their friends wont write in for them. I am in the second row front and to the side. And mine got pased three times and then Ms. ~~(she shall remain nameless) grabbed mine and switched it with the person across to the front of me and said that I need to pass it, and I was all like I passed it three times, and she said that I need to pass it to some one over there and pointed to my right. So with her watching me I passed it to the person and she said that she didn't need it so I was gonna go tho the person across over the front, then she grabbed it and traded it with her, and yelled at me like it was my fault. Then, later she gave me a "look" when we got done correcting them and people started to pass them back to the owners, but then she yelled at everyone cuz she didn't say to pass them back, and I didn't have one cuz that person wouldn't give it back. And again I failed english last semester so I'm taking a makeup class and she teaches it. It's after school, so we don't have to abide by some of the rules. I had one earphone in and instead of saying please dont listen to music in my class, she comes to me and yanked it out of my ear and yelled no music! WTF! I was so mad. she never specified any rules for that class. It is a 2 hour class but after 1 hour we only get a 2 minuete break to use the bathroom and get a drink. We dont have the time to streatch our legs. It is hard to sit in a hard school chair for 2 hours with no time to streach. It is so hard, cuz we just sit there and write. But unlike normal school if you ask her if you could go to the bathroom she says NO! Well I feel better getting that out of my system. Other than that nothing realy exciting happened except that my friend Marshelle told me why Barney got cancelled. The guy got fired cuz on a LIVE show he was walking up some block stairs, while singing, and tripped and hit his face and screamed "F*CK!" I thought that was interesting.
NDJ Gazette
Derek said that he was so gonna fight Skylar in the new hall(it has no cameras) on Thursday. Skylar was talking sh*t on Derek and they almost broke out in a fight, sept a teacher stopped them in time. Let's see, what else.... Oh yeah, Sherri broke up with her boyfriend at luch yesterday, and everyone was all like OMG! Why?! Then at luch today they got back together and after they ate he was messin around in the Gym still at luch, and he knoked a crippled kid out of his wheelchair. It sounds horrible but it was actually hilarious. Sherri broke back up with him, but not for that reason, the same one as before. That's all that happened to day at NDJ home of the Norseman(BTW WTF is a Norseman?)
Well that is all from me today, remember check back for more news! Salut Tout la Mounde!

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