The Clearfielder Of Utah

This is about my (most of the time) boring life in Clearfield, Utah

Friday, December 16, 2011

Book Review Corner

It's time for another fabulous book review from the greatest book reader, writer, and reviewer of all time -- Me!

Ilsa Bick
This book was pretty awesome. It has all the aspects that I have been into lately: action, adventure, and post-apacolypism. I always give every book recommended to me a chance of 60 pages before I quite or finish the book. This was one of those that almost pushed me to the limit. The first 30 or so pages weren't so good (I felt like the author tried a bit to hard) but weren't bad. Around a quarter way into the book it gets intense. But the thing that bothered me was that the climax -- in my opinion -- was in the middle, not the end. I read 'til the end just to find out what happens, but the book plot turned for the not as exciting.
The writing is a little weird, the paragraphs end in weird spots, there are seemingly random breaks and the don't make much sense. And it showed more than told.
Backstory Time!
In my writing class, it was drilled into me that when writing, you should show them, not tell them.
Back to the now:
Anyways, the chapter would end all suspenseful like normal, than they next chapter would pick up, like, three days later and Alex would say how the battle ended.
Should all these complaints discourage you from reading it? No!
As I said to my english teacher "The writing isn't the best, but it is definitely worth reading because of the amazing plot."
Would I recommend it to someone? Yes. Would I read the sequel? Yes. Do I love it? No. Do I like it? Yes.
Overall, I give it 3.9/5 Stars.
Now for some sad/happy(shappy?) news: my amazing english/writing class had two real live authors come by every tuesday to teach us how to be writers, and last tuesday was their last. I'm so grateful for what I've learned, but it's still sad since I looked forward to it every week.
That's about it in my life for the last 11 or so days(Is that pathetic?) Have a happy weekend and TGIF!

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