The Clearfielder Of Utah

This is about my (most of the time) boring life in Clearfield, Utah

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Book Review Corner!!

It’s time for a Seth book review!!! Duh, duh-duh-duh duh duuuuuh!!!! K-chsk!! I just barely made up that fancy little diddy right here on the spot. Anyways, the book I will be reviewing is Matched. I FREAKIN love this book. Of course I’m a big sucker for dystopian future novels; this one is still just plain amazing. I highly recommend this book, if you love loved the Hunger Games trilogy. Matched makes you think just like the Hunger Games. Although Matched makes you think more about to what extent do you want the government to help you, and how much they can control. In Matched the government does and provides everything for you, you make no choices. They decide what you eat, what you will do, and who you will marry. This book makes no reference to religion, so I am assuming that the Society did away with it. One thing I like(to an extent) is that everyone is equal. You are so equal that you don’t really own anything that is truly and just yours. Something that I didn’t notice until I looked at a book trailer of it, was that in the Society they is no such thing as money.
A bad thing about the Society is that since there is no money, you have to contribute to the government. It reminds me of the Aztec Empire, they had no money, but everything they needed was provided for them. And the Society does away with you when you can no longer contribute. This book brings up the matter of death, and what is a good way to go. In the Society they felt that eighty is the optimal age to die, so on your eightieth birthday you die. That sounds so horrible when you think about it, knowing when you’re going to die, but on your last day, you get to spend it with all your friends and family and get to eat whatever you want(which is a big deal in the Society) and when you die, at midnight your family is all there holding your hand. At first that sound so horrible, but if you really ponder it, is it really that bad? You get to die with all your loved ones being with you and your last meal could’ve been cake and ice cream.
Let me know what you think! Would you like to die like that, with all of your loved ones, or live in uncertainty and maybe said “I hate you” to your best friend, then you or the friend die the next day.
Anyways, overall Matched was just fantastic. I would like to say more, but I don’t want to spoil anything.
Have a good day everyone!
PS, if you’re wondering why I am posting this so early in the day, it’s because I am in school right now, in Computer Tech. I know, I’m such a bad boy. I’m bad to da bone! See how I said “da” instead of “the” that was me being all gangsta!

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