The Clearfielder Of Utah

This is about my (most of the time) boring life in Clearfield, Utah

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Seth Book Review Corner!!

It’s time for another Seth Book Review Corner!!! Duh, duh-duh-duh duh duuuuuh!!!! K-chsk!! As I said earlier I was going to do a book review on one of the stories I’m writing, and so here it is:
The Tridantey Virus. I hear the author is supa good looking and smart too, and this is just a literary masterpiece! It will go down as the next Tale of Two Cities. It’s about the capital of the Earth Empire, Earth and it’s a very divided planet. The main character is 10-year-old Howneo Tridantey, who is basically Earth royalty. Earth isn’t run by a monarchy, but it sort of is. The head of the government is five individuals, and two are Howneo’s father and grandfather. The rich live in tall apartment buildings in the center of the City and the poor live in small apartment buildings on the outskirts of the City or the Farmlands. The story says that there are only 14 great and mighty cities scattered across the war-scarred continents. At the beginning, Howneo’s grandfather announces a magic cure-all has been made, the Tridantey Vaccine, and it will cure almost anything that ails you. And to make amends with all the citizens with Earth, and promote equality, they will administer the vaccine to everyone, free of charge.
Howneo hates being rich, and so he goes and converses with the poor people out in the alleys and lives a double life. His best friend says that all the Nuisances(what they call super poor or homeless people) are disappearing. Eventually Howneo goes to the alley where he always meets his best friend, and he never showed up. He went there every day for several days but he never showed. He even asks some of the other Nuisances where he went and they all say every day more and more Nuisances disappear.
Howneo likes to be on the roof of his building, and spends most of his time there; he says he’s in his room, but climbs up the fire escape to the roof. After coming home after waiting in the alley on the eighth night of his friend’s disappearance, he is climbing up the escape and goes past a window to his father’s study. He overhears a conspiracy between his father and grandfather about the Nuisances and the vaccine that leaves him totally shocked.
Should I tell you the rest? I am nowhere near being done with this book, so if you want to know the ending now, ask me and I’ll tell you, or I can put on here, and you can read it. Let me know what you think about the story and ending.

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